About Us
Our Mission
For Us Books comprises a robust selection of creative and captivating imagery presented through many mediums, primarily journals, books, and the like. We seek to illuminate, inspire and encourage multitudes: providing representation in a societal sphere that is quite polarized. It is our mandate to be the change we want to see in our circle of influence and beyond.
It is our desire to cultivate and encourage mindsets of excellence, perseverance, and mental endurance that no generation be left behind. It is our calling to position For Us Books as a beacon of light, a pebble causing ripples in a pond once downtrodden, rendered hopeless, transforming mindsets ripe for change and elevation.
This mandate is realized through our beautifully crafted, uplifting journals, books, and more! Our resources exude royal and distinctive presentation that delivers a positive outlet for personal healing, creativity, organization, and journaling for academic, business, and career advancement.
Our Vision
At our core, we are driven by a powerful mission to inspire hope and healing and ignite passions for good works that strengthen families and communities.
”For Us Books is not just a business but a passion project born out of my desire to inspire others, especially those from underrepresented communities. ”
- Edlyn Cherry
Meet our Founder, Edlyn Cherry
For Us Books is not just a business but a passion project born out of my desire to inspire others, especially those from underrepresented communities. It brings me great joy to work alongside a talented team that shares the same mission of delivering quality, enriching, and inspirational products for everyday use and special occasions. I pour my heart and soul into every aspect of this endeavor, and I am honored to share my story with you. I hope that by learning more about the inspiration behind For Us Books, you will be inspired to pursue your own dreams and uplift others in your community!
To learn more about the inspiration behind For Us Books, please read Edlyn's story below.
Meet The Team
Rahegene Cherry II I Chief Marketing Officer
Stephanie L. Morris | Director of Quality Control | Poet & Author
Taylor Morris | Marketing Associate | Graphic Designer
Edlyn's Story
Edlyn Cherry hails from the Great Midwest of the United States and has lived in California, Texas, and even Mexico! She is a devoted wife and mother to two homeschooled boys and works in project management and operations support. In her free time, she shares her testimony and serves others through her consulting organization and outreach endeavors.
Despite facing economic challenges and hardships growing up, Edlyn was motivated by the belief and support of others. She pursued success to change her life's course and inspire others. This is where her passion for writing began. As a young girl, she loved to write in her journals and even had her poems published in anthologies. She won writing contests that led her to meet a Nobel Peace Prize winner over dinner and a lecture. But her most audacious writing was her list of seemingly impossible dreams, which she wrote at the age of 10. Even then, she was a goal-oriented child towering over 6 feet tall, and her mother dubbed her a "businesswoman" because she always wanted to wear hard business shoes to elementary school!
Edlyn knows the value of hard work. She grew up in a single-parent home below the poverty line and enrolled in a community college full-time at age 15 while being homeschooled. At 16, she resided on campus and served in various organizations before earning her undergraduate degree in Business Management with honors at the age of 19. Her college mentor inspired her to pursue a master's degree in Business Management & Organizational Leadership, which she earned a year early, despite many challenges such as injuries from a car accident, personal loss, daily outreach commitments, and a demanding career, with a toddler and a child growing inside her. She spent late nights studying and taking exams in the middle of the night.
At the age of 10, young Edlyn set her goals for each year of her life up to the age of 14, even writing down her health goals, salary ambitions, and more. She called various universities every day, requesting college admissions packets, and although some rejected her due to her age, she and her mother worked tirelessly to seek out other opportunities. They never gave up, and an open door always appeared.
Edlyn also used journals to connect with her father, express her emotions privately, and record her daily goals, deepest prayers, creative ideas, studies, lessons, and drawings. She believes that note-taking has helped her significantly advance her professional relationships, exemplifying great care, initiative, and leadership for the project. Her father always emphasized the importance of retaining and recalling information as a key aspect of intelligence.
Today, Edlyn enjoys designing and publishing books, providing representation for underserved markets, and planning to republish the story of her life to inspire others, including her sons, both newly published authors. She encourages everyone to write things down and take notes, as this is a valuable life lesson. Through pain, trauma, tears, and even the passing of her newborn son in 2022, this overcomer wrote down everything that ached her soul and mind, releasing herself at that moment by burning a page she couldn't change. Writing, reflecting, and releasing helped her in her healing journey, and she hopes to provide the same service to others by sharing her life experiences and offering affordable options. May her story inspire people of all ages and backgrounds!
We truly appreciate you taking the time to visit us and learn more about our story. We hope to have the opportunity to serve you soon, and look forward to making a meaningful impact in your life. Thank you for considering us.